well boys, I think its about that time. I'm ready to go out and play at the farm and I think that everyone else is itching to play too. I know there's a couple new guns out there that are just waiting to be tested out. With that being said, I think that easter weekend would be a perfect time for the first games. I was thinking about getting a game going on the 10th or 11th of april. So what does everyone think? I'm going to play regardless of how many people there are, so let me know your intentions and lets make the first one an awesome one.
Matt "Swagger" Janzen -
C4 2003 Champions -
C4 2004 Champions -
Team Hailstorm -
Nasty Shocker #73
I'm in for either of those dates. I've got so much new gear to try out this year. And all these new pretty guns I need to see and try out as well. I'm soo excited!
quote: Originally posted by: "I have a feeling im not going to be using my bko, so does anyone have a sling shot? but im in on which ever day we play."
i'm going to come play but everyone is talking about there new guns and i and still stuck with my stupid spyder!!!!!!! well i will just wait till next year. but yah i will come .
Hohohoho! Stejo, your soo getting lit up this weekend. Hohoho! Oh, and Matt, Saturday is the only day that works for the Groening household now. Sooooo....Saturday it is.
ok then, saturday it is.....start letting everyone know, oh and post a time up here too....whatever works for you guys is ok by me....or so i hope lol.
Matt "Swagger" Janzen -
C4 2003 Champions -
C4 2004 Champions -
Team Hailstorm -
Nasty Shocker #73
yeah, we should really get out to the field and make sure that its all cleaned up. Friday is as good a day as any, so why don't we make friday the first OFFICIAL work day. Anyone that wants to help out can come and have their say in how the field is going to look this year. Lets say to start at around 1 or 2 on friday? see you boys then. matt.
Matt "Swagger" Janzen -
C4 2003 Champions -
C4 2004 Champions -
Team Hailstorm -
Nasty Shocker #73
Hey Matty. There is no need for a work day. Me and Mr. T went out there today and there is nothing really to do except put one pellet bunker back in the ground. So what time saterday for paintball? 1 or 2 p.m.?