Hey guys, awsome site! ya i live in Brandon mb, so not too far from you guys. Anyway im looking for a 2k3 or 2k4 autococker, i currently have a mongoose LCD and i need to upgrade. So if anyone has an autococker for sale email me or add me to msn at slimx_88@hotmail.com
hey man as for cockers around i think the only one is dannys, and if youw ant to get him to part with that ill let you pry his dead cold fingers from that.... hehehehe other than that man i cant think of any cockers around but there are af ew other things up for sale
hey dude, ya cockers arent easy to come by used. The reason why i want a cocker is that there an affordable high end gun lol. When i sell my mongoose ill have about 350$ and ill save during the winter. Ill have maybe 600$ for a gun by next spring. I think since having the electro mongoose i want to go back to the mechanical trigger. I play speedball and im not all about shooting streams of paint thus i guess i dont need an electro marker. Thats the prob now haha their all electro cept for the stock cockers. I guess if anyone has a gun for sale within bout 400$ right now id take a serious look. Hey Chad add me to msn dude. I probably know a few of you guys from killarny from hockey and such.
my msn is slimx_88@hotmail.com it'd be neat to meet some pro ballers like yourselves.