1. Maverick Trracer (no thats not a typo) 2. F4 Illustrator 3. 68 Classic Automag (first one in Killarney to have compressed air WOOHOO...scary thing is, is that tank is still being passed around LOL) 4. 2k2 Intimidator 5. Nasty X Shocker
WOOO, post #200
Matt "Swagger" Janzen -
C4 2003 Champions -
C4 2004 Champions -
Team Hailstorm -
Nasty Shocker #73
Piranha VTL to R/F cocker to Impulse to Eforce to Impulse to DM4 to DM4 and 2k2 timmy to DM4 to DM4 and DM5 to DM5 and Ton Ton Shocker to DM5 and Ego to DM5 to DM6