well boys, I got it to work. The problem with the link is that there is a space in the http, so you have to copy and paste that into addy bar and then delete that space. Even after that it doesn't look like anything is happening but if you wait long enough the movie will come up. All i have to say is that is freaking awesome. Makes me rethink selling the timmy. matt.
Matt "Swagger" Janzen -
C4 2003 Champions -
C4 2004 Champions -
Team Hailstorm -
Nasty Shocker #73
OK, Matty thanks for the tip, about having to wait. The first time I waited for about 10 seconds, and figured with DSL it shoulda played.......but this time I waited at least 30 seconds and waddya know it played!!
Ok yep, that shocker was blazing!!!!!
Jamie Groening
Team Hailstorm #10
2003 and 2004 C4 Champions
5th 2005 MR Series